Friday, January 7, 2011

From: Michaud Jean Fruitho
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 2:00 PM
Subject: Re : MERCI BEAUCOUP POUR le montant pour la cantine/ TROUIN-HAITI

Chere soeur,
 merci beaucoup pour l'etroite collaboration qui a existait entre nous pendant l'annee 2010. Que l'annee 2011 nous unisse pour une meilleure continuite.
 Voeux les meilleurs pour l'annee 2011.
 Que l'annee 2011 vous apporte de la sante, la joie, la prosperite  ou toutes les bonnes choses du monde. Et Que Dieu vous benisse et benisse tous lesfreres et soeurs de l'Eglise St Francis.  Merci beaucoup pour l'argent que vous avez envoye pour la cantine pour le mois de janvier. je vous informerai de ce vous enverrai la liste des professeurs pour les classes mentionnees.
 Votr frere, pere MICHAUD.
From: Michaud Jean Fruitho
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 1:49 PM
Subject: Re : Welcome on February/ Trouin School 

 Dear Friends,
  First of all, greetings and  thank you for all your supports to our friends in Trouin during the year 2010 and  may God bless more  all the partners in the both churches  about St Francis and St Marc in Trouin during the  year 2011 to you and also for all our corporations.
 Thank you very much for this super e-mail you send to me and I have received it with lot of joys and hopes for Trouin. Thank you very much for help us to have a definitive St Marc'school in Trouin. It is a good news for us to know that you will come on February. Thank you so much my brother for your coming. I and  all the people in Trouin are very excited to seeing you. Welcome again in Trouin and the tent is already reserved  for you to spend the nights. May God bless you and give you the health not only for the year 2011 but during all your life. I am waiting for your coming. Good trip on February to Trouin-Haiti.

Peace be with you.
Your brother in Christ,