Gary Hays is the owner of Erecta Shelters and has just returned from Trouin where the team from Viriginia, 10 Haitians and Ranny Moulton assembled the school.
Pere Kate "Mother Hen"
Your management skills amazed me. You are one of the few people I
have ever met in my life that feels the same as I do about the
importance of honesty, justness and fairness. I have so much faith in
you, that whereever you lead me, I will follow. You, as a team
leader, did a wonderful job. I feel your church is fortunate to have
Ranny "Rock solid Ranny"
I admire you greatly. You took care of my needs, the team's needs and
the project's needs with calm and precise leadership. Through this
adventure you will always be in my heart forever.
Harold "The Doc"
You are the calmest, most level headed, goal directed and caring
person I have ever met. The effort that you displayed in working with
the people of Trouin and with the construction team and taking over
the door frame placement was a real inspiration to me.
Dan "Dan, Dan my main man"
Your desire to help was amazing. Your stories were very entertaining.
Your faith in me and my product touched my heart.
KC "The Young Pup"
You and I had an instant bond. I got to see a whole lot of a young me
in you with your love of sports and love of children. When I found
out about your past in Hollywood and the film industry, I knew that we
would have a long time relationship, for you may make an old man's
dream come true by helping me make this world a better place.
Nevel "Brother Nevel"
If there's ever a couple of ol' boys cut from the same tree, it could
be you and me. Your passion for life and your importance of living
life to the fullest has bonded us forever. Not only are you a 5 star
entertainment director, I feel you are a thinker, motivator and a
grand person.
Greetings to all,
I spoke with Jim Hudson this morning.(Saint John The Evangelist Church) He asked me many questions about the new construction team. He would like to use them on his church project just as I had hoped.
Further great news, he also has a person who would like to contribute to the new church in Trouin. As you all know I have spent a great part of my life making other people's dreams come true, but this is the first time I felt I had a part helping a community and the leadership of the community come together for a positive goal.
Thank you so much for inviting me on this great adventure. God Bless you all.
I look forward to seeing all of you again. My home is open to each and every one of you.
Please e-mail me back and include your phone number. Would each of you please send me a CD of all your photos to my home address:
Gary Hays
1110 Whitetail Lane
Greenwood, Arkansas 72936
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Missioners Home
As of 5:30 pm, Monday, August 29th, all missioners from Haitian Hope and from Viriginia are on the ground in the USA. Kate Bryant announced that all are well and safe. The trip was wonderful and she'll share her experiences as soon as possible!
For those who don't know: Pere Michaud and his fiancee, Kelcia, will be married October 13th by Bishop Duracin! Congratulations, Pere Michaud.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
embroidery and floral arts teacher whose name is Marie Roseline Francois.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Framing for school complete!
Just heard from our sister, Kate Bryant, who reports a sunny beautiful day in Haiti . The framing for the school is complete; and they are celebrating in the streets by playing Indian baseball, taught by a young man from Trinity Church whose name is Casey. His signature smile tells me his photo is the first of a series of five posted on our blog yesterday. These kids have had a whole new world opened to them by learning basketball on Tuesday, soccer on Wednesday, baseball on Thursday, and boxing on Friday.
Tomorrow the door frames will be installed and the first sheet metal will be attached to the walls.
Lots of good food and relationships are being forged.
Lucon from Cherident and Salien from St. Marc’s, Trouin have proven to be excellent leaders.
Kate requests continued prayers as she and Pere Michaud negotiate the role of Region 13 in the educational process at St. Marc’s. The needs are great and choices have to be made.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
The very best news from Haiti : all is well and everyone arrived safely. Although it continues to rain as of noon Wednesday, August 24, the Haitians have assembled 25% of the metal beams/studs for the school. During the worst of the hurricane, the Haitians braved the weather to prepare and repair the pad so the beams could be raised and bolted together. Between the deluges today, the Americans joined forces with the Haitians and real progress has been made.
Yesterday during the very worst parts of the hurricane winds, the Virginians held a small medical clinic led by a doctor who had accompanied them. They saw approximately 35 patients and dispensed some basic medicines (Ibuprofen, etc). Ranny reports the great and urgent need for ophthalmologists, optometrists, and eye-glasses. The Reverend Kate has compiled a list of medicines that can go with the next group.
One of the greatest gifts to the Americans is the pure water system installed by HEF (Haiti Education Foundation). Ranny says the water is perfect.
Many of you are aware that Father Ed Adkins donated several albs, clerical shirts, and stoles for Pere Michaud. Ranny happily transported them to Trouin, where both Pere Michaud and Kate have already put them to good use.
Thanks to all of you who continue to support this mission. Unity of mind and spirit is such a beautiful thing to witness. I’ve been promised photos which you’ll receive as soon as possible.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Exciting News
August 7, 2011 (Translation)
Dear Marcia,
Hi. I am very happy to have received your email. And I await Caroline with much impatience. Please excuse me for this late response due to the fact I was with Chris McCrae for two installations of the potable water system, of which one is for Trouin. Now we that we have potable water in Trouin, I am the electrician for the system.
Caroline can meet the teachers beginning the 26th of September. Now one thing is certain: you can plan a date for the month of September. Father Michaud and I will do everything necessary [for her]. I thank you for your financial support for St. Marc School, especially the students who are incapable to go to school. May God in his infinite love protect and bless you more and more. This Sunday, the seventh of August [we will have] an inauguration of the potable water system in Trouin. I am going to send some photos next week.
My Christian salutations/greetings to all my friends at St. Francis, especially Gail and her family.
*As background, remember that after 6 long years of installation, the water system was finally completed sometime in early 2011. Way back in 2006, some of the Haitian Hope team members discovered the system which had been started around 2004 by a group from Luxembourg. The Catholic Church seemed to be the recipients of the money for the work on the spring, and we helped them out with $1,000, hoping to urge a forward direction toward providing clean water to Trouin. This spring we rejoiced when Ranny Moulton returned from a trip proclaiming that the water had arrived in Trouin; however, the people were not satisfied because now they had to pay for water, and it wasn't pure enough for Americans to drink. Père Michaud, at his own initiative, asked the Haiti Education Fund (Frances Landers' group) to provide the means to purify the water. They agreed and included the water purification components in the container carrying the building materials for construction of the school. Voilà. We now have some purified water!
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