Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fund-raisers for Haitian Hope


Haitian Hope depends on donations from faithful people like you to successfully complete its mission work in Trouin, Haiti.  In order to feed and educate 420 students, we work hard to find ways to raise money for these brothers and sisters in Christ who have no resources.  We meet the fourth Sunday of each month to discuss better ways to serve and to imagine other ways for funding our efforts.  All interested people are always welcome to all meetings and events.  Believing each of us is called to serve God by serving others, we encourage you to look at the list of fund-raising events to seek out an opportunity for service. 

August 31—September 5, 2012
Brochure mailing
(contact: Sandy Bush) 

November—December, 2012
Alternative Christmas Gifts
(contact: Gail Moulton)

January 26, 2013
Brunswick stew and Silent auction
(contact: Elizabeth Dunn)

May 2013
3rd Annual Golf Tournament
(contact: Charlie Brogdon and Preston Aldridge)