Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Jois-Goursse Celestin, New Leader at Trouin

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

 I m glad to write today to introduce myself to you. As Father Ajax said, I am Jois Goursse CELESTIN. I am the Deacon in charge of Saint Marc, Trouin. I hope we will continue to work together in respect, in transparence for a better word. I thank you for all that you already do for people at Trouin and for all that you will continue to do for them. May God continue to bless you at all.

In Christ
Rev. D

Jois-Goursse Celestin
Se réunir est un début. Rester ensemble est un progrès. Travailler ensemble est la réussite. " Henry Ford

Henry Ford's quote is, "To be united is a beginning. To stay together is progress. To work together is success."

A New Perspective

On July 28, Libby Aldridge Motto, Marcia & Preston Aldridge's daughter made a presentation on her May trip (her first) to Trouin, Haiti.
St. Marc, Trouin, Haiti: "A new perspective"
Libby’s talk was incredibly inspirational.  We heard about all the things we should not take and so much about what we should be doing to help our brothers and sisters there. She showed pictures with names on them to help us put a face to the folks who share in this relationship. She compared her response to this part of her personal journey with how Moses resisted God’s call to him. But in the end, God wins, and she won. These are "my people now; my family," she said.

Tammy Pallot was kind enough to place Libby's presentation to Haitian Hope on YouTube. If you have trouble accessing the link in Tammy's email, try a search: youtube Libby Haiti St. Francis Macon.

The first photo is from the computer class that was held on Saturday - yes, school on Saturday. They do that because so many of the teachers want to participate. I worked with Geri (Salien's counterpart of the Trade School) and showed the class the mechanics of Word docs, creating files, right / left click, and creating new files. A few of the kids were actually quite familiar with computers, but most of them had never used Microsoft Office products before. It was a huge hit and I had a blast directing them
(in FRENCH no l less) on the basics.
Second photo is a "family" portrait. The woman is Geri's "second" mom as he rents a room in her house to be near the school. She lost her leg during the earthquake and walks with a prosthetic. That's Geri of course in the photo and the little girl is his "mom's" daughter.

End of the School Year Ceremony in Trouin

Hello All,
  Gery Dutervil, the head of the professional school in Trouin has asked me to share these pictures that he posted on facebook to all of you, just in case you did not see them. I promised him I would.

Thanks all!
Nicole Hutt
Leeds, Markham, VA

New Leader at Trouin

Brothers and sisters,

I greet you in the precious name of our Lord Jesus. I would like to annonce to you that the Rev. Goursse will become in Charge of St Mark's Church at Trouin. He has worked for the last 12 months at St Andrew’s in Cazale. Father Fruitho, the former Priest-in-Charge of St Marc’s, will move to Ascension in Bainet, as of August 15th. Very soon, Fr. Grousse will contact you to introduce himself to you all.

Please continue to support us in God’s service.

Rev. Dr. Kesner Ajax

Email from Salien Wilner, Secondary School Principal

Below is a delightful email from Salien Wilner, principal of the secondary school at St. Marc's, Trouin. He wrote in response to a request to review a children's book written in Creole and English. Because we're considering making purchase of the book a possibility for donors, we asked Salien if he thought it was worthwhile and to make suggestions about how to use it. The English translation follows.

Good morning my friend, Marcia

   All is well for me and my family. My wife and daughter send greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ.
   I am very happy to have read your email yesterday and am now reading the Book of Colors. When I finish I'll send you my suggestions [about its usefulness, etc].
   Just now the academic year 2012-2013 is ending with much success. And now I would like to liberally proclaim a huge thanks in my name personally and on behalf of the students from St. Marc, as well as their parents and teachers, for the gifts, such as the salaries for the teachers, lunch program, uniforms, school materials/supplies, and everything else. The final result for the school is a 70% success rate for the students; and we're waiting for the result of two classes who took the state exam. [The results will be available] either at the end of July or the beginning of August, 2013.
   The opening of school is scheduled for the 2nd of September 2013, in Haiti. All during July, I am working on plans for 2013-2014, such as the improvement of my office, a working plan for a small book store like Caroline La Borde has already established; and other activities.
   My sincere greetings and thanks to all the committees of Haitian Hope, St. Francis, and all the other donors for St. Marc School, Trouin.  
   Please share this email in translation, my dear sister.

Wilner, director of St. Marc's School-Trouin