Friday, November 4, 2011

I’M BACK! - Caroline

  First, let me say thank you for all of your well wishes, concerns, and prayers.  I’m sure they were instrumental in helping me have a glorious time in Trouin.  When people ask about my trip I say, “YES!  It WAS a TRIP!”  There were a lot of amazing facets to my time there but I’d like to tell you about a few experiences before a more thorough summary complete with pictures on Sunday, November 20.
            As we rode into Trouin on my first day, Pere Michaud stopped at a distance and pointed at the school and the rest of the city saying, “Now we are both home.”  And every person made me feel that way.  As much of an oddity as I must have been on one hand, I was also just another person living and working in Trouin, trying to make it the best it could be.  Pere Michaud and I started a clean-up campaign on the school campus which he wants to continue a long the main road in Trouin. 
            Our school is built but still needs floors, transparent window panels for additional light, and ventilation, all of which should be in place within the next couple of weeks.  None of these things have kept two of the rooms in the building from being used this school term but the mosquitoes have!  I’ve never seen such a sight as those little insects lined up by the hundreds along the steel beams and scattered across the walls.  Although the classrooms had to be evacuated, it is hoped that the problem will dissipate once the floors are in and there is more ventilation.  The building has become the showcase of the community that is shown off at every possible occasion to the many interested residents and visitors alike.  For better or worse, I became the poster child for St. Francis Church and was thanked by people within St. Mark’s church and school as well as other community members.  Everyone was grateful to St. Francis for what we have provided to improve the lives of the people in Trouin.

            Progress is definitely being made in Trouin.  Aside from the school there is a new beautiful solar-operated medical center built by Canadians and a purified water facility and charging center run by the Episcopal Church and available to everyone in the area.  And after three weeks of almost no way to communicate with the “outside world”, on my LAST night there the internet came to town through a stick drive provided by a new company out of Viet Nam. 

            That being said, the school is still very traditional with teachers lecturing to extremely large classes (as many as 54 students) and students using choral repetition or copying information from the chalkboard.  My methods were met by reactions from impressive wonder to the feeling that the students just couldn’t understand me.  Both students and teachers seemed quite pleased that I was there, however, and felt that it was good for students to have exposure to English by a native speaker and American culture.  I had the unique pleasure of working with every student at St. Mark’s from Kindergarten (which started at age 2) through high school.  The teachers were very gracious in allowing me to break into their schedules every couple of days and the students were a complete joy.  I found that teaching as well as learning is more alike than different regardless of location.  

            Besides teaching I was also a student.  After morning prayer each morning I got a mini lesson in Creole upon which I was quizzed all day by community members I en countered who were quite pleased when I was able to say anything in their language. 

            Even though I went there to teach I learned an awful lot.  The people of Trouin have difficult lives and have suffered many hardships but their positive attitudes and happy nature served as a constant reminder to me that you make your own happiness and that I certainly have a lot to be thankful for.

Caroline LaBorde

Monday, October 17, 2011

Caroline's latest call

Caroline just called using Pere Michaud's phone at 6:30 Sunday evening.  The following is information from both parties:
* Pere Michaud and Kercia are now married and very grateful for the generous gift from the Saint Francis family.* * * Pere Michaud knows about the $1,080 sent to complete the foundation for the school.  Now that the wedding is behind him (Thursday, October 13), he will tend to the matter of securing the funds for Lucson and Salien to finish the project.

* Caroline and Georgette were dressed and waiting for the car to pick them up and carry them to the wedding.  Alas, the car never arrived and Caroline didn't participate in the ceremony.
* BUT: Pere Michaud has promised a DVD depicting the entire event.

* Caroline's mosquito bites are not quite as numerous, the swelling in her face and on her lips has diminished somewhat.
* Georgette provided Caroline with a mosquito-repellent coil that keeps some of the mosquitoes out of her room at night; the best news, however, is that an American working at the Evangelical Christian Church in Trouin has given Caroline his mosquito netting.  And, except for the fact that there are holes in the netting and she can't breathe with it on her face, she's doing much better.
* Everyone in Trouin is grateful to all the people at St. Francis for their generosity.  They are acutely aware of the enormous gift of love we have given them.
* When Caroline walks through the streets of the village, kids and adults call out her name in greeting and welcome.  She responds with "Bonjour" or "Bonsoir," as is appropriate.
* She also receives daily Creole lessons from everyone she meets.
* Each morning at the daily Mass, she is asked to perform in her adopted language and they all applaud her efforts.
* The townspeople are very proud of the new school, declaring it to be the very best one built in the area.
* Tuesday, October 18, she has been invited to tour the public school and discuss education issues with the principal.
* And Caroline deeply apologizes to Chad and Amanda for not having been at the baby shower.  She's very excited for them.
* When she is not teaching English in the classroom, Caroline has taught the children and the adults how to play Battleship and Go Fish.
* Thankfully, the hurricane possibilities seem to have abated for at least the rest of this week.  The weather is quite hot, but also gorgeous.
* Caroline still has not internet service and cannot make calls with her phone.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Caroline in Trouin

I am alive and thriving in Trouin. School starts full time next week and I have a full schedule. I think the teachers liked their bags. Teachers, students, and the community have sent thanks to St Francis for all we have done.

I have lots to tell you. Having a wonderful time. I will take part in the wedding next week. Yahoo!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Update from Caroline

1. Her cell phone connection does not work in Haiti

2. No cell phone means no internet access for her computer. Alas, all her teaching plans were contingent upon using the internet.

3.  She is safely in Trouin and called from Pere Michaud's phone.

4. The 21-day sojourn has immediately evoked a different type of response from everyone. The people seem more real, authentically living their lives.

5. Cultural differences are more apparent than in the usual 4-day format of grandiose hospitality.

6.  Some of the children arrived for school at the end of September; others will arrive on the official opening date of October 6th. Many surprises in this regard.

7. The drinking water is superb!

8. This is mosquito season and they love Caroline. Unfortunately, Caroline had never encountered mosquitoes in previous trips, so she has no repellent; and she's a mosquito magnet!

9.  It's far hotter than she has previously experienced. No air-conditioning.

10. Georgette continues to provide the fine cuisine Caroline was seeking.

11. The floor of the new school has not yet been completed; and the kids will stay in the temporary classrooms until it is ready.

12. Caroline taught her first class of ESL (English as a second language) in kindergarten the first morning she was there (Tuesday, October 4).

Monday, October 3, 2011

Caroline is on her way

Caroline is on her way for three weeks at St. Marc's in Trouin, Haiti, wehre she hopes to teach a little English to both the teachers and the students. What incredible courage!

   Boy, 4:00 is EARLY!! Please thank Preston again for the room--it made the early flight a bit more bearable. When the Spirit Airlines lady at the baggage check-in counter in Atlanta found out I was a teacher and going to Haiti she suggested I combine my computer bag into my other bags to eliminate the need to purchase the third checked bag and SAVE $100.00. My bags were packed to the gills without so much as room for a pencil but somehow after spreading things all over the airport floor I was able to make it (thankfully, she said the carry-ons didn't have to be zipped).
  With the help of Alton's rolling cart (please tell him it was a life-saver if you see him) I was able to limp onboard. The flight attendants and the folks at the gate were less than pleased with the set-up and "encouraged" me to check a bag at my next stop but I have yet to do so. I figure if I can make one more leg of the trip I'll be home free. And I SAVED $100.00!!!!!  It's a shame that flying is such a pain these days--I remember when it used to be fun!
   Lots of Haitians in Fort Lauderdale waiting for this plane with me. One guy is very animated and telling some sort of story that everyone is captivated by. I can't tell if they're laughing AT him or WITH him and I have no idea what he's saying. Well, thanks for all you have done and continue to do. I will try to stay in touch via e-mail but my phone is already dead for some reason and I am now concerned about what the plug situation is at Georgette's. Maybe I can do some charging at school.
   Have a good week. Caroline

Friday, September 9, 2011

School Update - almost finished!

The school without foundation yet completed, but with the roof, floor, and sides.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Letter from Pere Michaud

A beautiful letter from Pere Michaud thanking everyone for giving hope to the people of Trouin (translation follows):

Nos salutations chrétiennes et fraternelles à tous les donateurs. Après le seisme qui a Presque tout cassé sur son passage en Haïti, notre plus grande prière a Dieu s’était qui va  nous aider à reconstruire notre pays. Dieu dans son amour infini a écouté  notre prière  en mettant sur notre chemin des amis généreux, merci.
Nous somme très  reconnaissant envers tous les donateurs qui ont contribué leurs argents et leurs temps  pour donner a la population de trouin cette superbe construction.  une   école qui doit, a sa juste titre, être un modèle de construction  d’école en Haïti après le seisme du 12  janvier 2010. Avoir cette école  particulièrement  à  trouin, c‘est une grâce pour le pays qui a tant été dévasté par ce tremblement de terre.  Le désespoir qu’avait laissé  la catastrophe du 12 janvier 2010 pour les gens de trouin  s’est  changé  en espoir le  21 aout 2011 avec cette belle construction.
Merci,  vous  avez contribué à la reconstruction physique et  intellectuelle  de notre pays. Ces remerciments  viennent  du plus profond de nos  cÅ“urs et de tout notre être. Nous n’avons rien  à vous offrir en retour autre que nos prières. Que  Dieu vous comble de ses multiples bénédictions, encore merci.

Pere MICHAUD, pretre en charge

Our Christian and brotherly greetings to all the donors.  After the earthquake which almost destroyed everything in its passage through Haiti, our greatest prayer to our Lord was, who is going to help us rebuild our country.  God, in his infinite love, listened to our prayer by putting in our path some very generous friends.  I thank you.

We are grateful towards our donors who have contributed their money and their time in order to give to the population of Trouin this superb construction: a school which ought, with its just (appropriate) title, be a model of school construction in all of Haiti after the earthquake of January 12 2010.  To have this school especially in Trouin, is [God's] grace and blessing for the county which has been so severely destroyed by the earthquake.  The despair which was left by the catastrophe of January 12, 2010 for the people in Trouin has changed to hope on the 21st of August 2011 with this beautiful construction.

Thank you.  You have contributed to the physical and intellectual reconstruction of our country.  These thanks come from the depths of our hearts and our very being.  We have nothing to offer you in return other than our prayers.  May God fill you with multiple blessings.  Again thank you.

Pere Michaud, priest-in-charge

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The world is a beautiful place and these are two of the great people who make it so. "Pere" Kate and Pere Michaud stand ready to lead a service of celebration for the work done at St. Marc, Trouin. They are clothed in vestments and stoles given for Pere Michaud's use by Father Ed Adkins, a retired priest at St. Francis Church, Macon. The stole worn by "Pere" Kate had been given to Father Ed by the Bishop of Ecuador. We are grateful to Ranny Moulton who supervised the building project in Trouin and who shared this photo with us.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Report from Gary Hays

Gary Hays is the owner of Erecta Shelters and has just returned from Trouin where the team from Viriginia, 10 Haitians and Ranny Moulton assembled the school.

Pere Kate "Mother Hen"
Your management skills amazed me. You are one of the few people I
have ever met in my life that feels the same as I do about the
importance of honesty, justness and fairness. I have so much faith in
you, that whereever you lead me, I will follow. You, as a team
leader, did a wonderful job. I feel your church is fortunate to have

Ranny "Rock solid Ranny"
I admire you greatly. You took care of my needs, the team's needs and
the project's needs with calm and precise leadership. Through this
adventure you will always be in my heart forever.

Harold "The Doc"
You are the calmest, most level headed, goal directed and caring
person I have ever met. The effort that you displayed in working with
the people of Trouin and with the construction team and taking over
the door frame placement was a real inspiration to me.

Dan "Dan, Dan my main man"
Your desire to help was amazing. Your stories were very entertaining.
Your faith in me and my product touched my heart.

KC "The Young Pup"
You and I had an instant bond. I got to see a whole lot of a young me
in you with your love of sports and love of children. When I found
out about your past in Hollywood and the film industry, I knew that we
would have a long time relationship, for you may make an old man's
dream come true by helping me make this world a better place.

Nevel "Brother Nevel"
If there's ever a couple of ol' boys cut from the same tree, it could
be you and me. Your passion for life and your importance of living
life to the fullest has bonded us forever. Not only are you a 5 star
entertainment director, I feel you are a thinker, motivator and a
grand person.

Greetings to all,
I spoke with Jim Hudson this morning.(Saint John The Evangelist Church) He asked me many questions about the new construction team. He would like to use them on his church project just as I had hoped.
Further great news, he also has a person who would like to contribute to the new church in Trouin. As you all know I have spent a great part of my life making other people's dreams come true, but this is the first time I felt I had a part helping a community and the leadership of the community come together for a positive goal.

Thank you so much for inviting me on this great adventure. God Bless you all.
I look forward to seeing all of you again. My home is open to each and every one of you.

 Please e-mail me back and include your phone number. Would each of you please send me a CD of all your photos to my home address:

Gary Hays
1110 Whitetail Lane
Greenwood, Arkansas 72936

Missioners Home

As of 5:30 pm, Monday, August 29th, all missioners from Haitian Hope and from Viriginia are on the ground in the USA. Kate Bryant announced that all are well and safe. The trip was wonderful and she'll share her experiences as soon as possible!

For those who don't know: Pere Michaud and his fiancee, Kelcia, will be married October 13th by Bishop Duracin! Congratulations, Pere Michaud.

Friday, August 26, 2011

                         Let me introduce you to the Ecole des Metiers St. Marc (the trade school)
                        embroidery and floral arts teacher whose name is Marie Roseline Francois.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

More Photos

Framing for school complete!

 Just heard from our sister, Kate Bryant, who reports a sunny beautiful day in Haiti. The framing for the school is complete; and they are celebrating in the streets by playing Indian baseball, taught by a young man from Trinity Church whose name is Casey. His signature smile tells me his photo is the first of a series of five posted on our blog yesterday. These kids have had a whole new world opened to them by learning basketball on Tuesday, soccer on Wednesday, baseball on Thursday, and boxing on Friday. 

Tomorrow the door frames will be installed and the first sheet metal will be attached to the walls.

Lots of good food and relationships are being forged. 

Lucon from Cherident and Salien from St. Marc’s, Trouin have proven to be excellent leaders.  

Kate requests continued prayers as she and Pere Michaud negotiate the role of Region 13 in the educational process at St. Marc’s. The needs are great and choices have to be made.


School Building - August 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The very best news from Haiti: all is well and everyone arrived safely. Although it continues to rain as of noon Wednesday, August 24, the Haitians have assembled 25% of the metal beams/studs for the school. During the worst of the hurricane, the Haitians braved the weather to prepare and repair the pad so the beams could be raised and bolted together. Between the deluges today, the Americans joined forces with the Haitians and real progress has been made.

Yesterday during the very worst parts of the hurricane winds, the Virginians held a small medical clinic led by a doctor who had accompanied them. They saw approximately 35 patients and dispensed some basic medicines (Ibuprofen, etc). Ranny reports the great and urgent need for ophthalmologists, optometrists, and eye-glasses. The Reverend Kate has compiled a list of medicines that can go with the next group.

One of the greatest gifts to the Americans is the pure water system installed by HEF (Haiti Education Foundation). Ranny says the water is perfect.

Many of you are aware that Father Ed Adkins donated several albs, clerical shirts, and stoles for Pere Michaud. Ranny happily transported them to Trouin, where both Pere Michaud and Kate have already put them to good use.

Thanks to all of you who continue to support this mission. Unity of mind and spirit is such a beautiful thing to witness. I’ve been promised photos which you’ll receive as soon as possible.

Peace and Blessings,

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Exciting News

August 7, 2011 (Translation)

Dear Marcia,

Hi. I am very happy to have received your email. And I await Caroline with much impatience. Please excuse me for this late response due to the fact I was with Chris McCrae for two installations of the potable water system, of which one is for Trouin. Now we that we have potable water in Trouin, I am the electrician for the system.

Caroline can meet the teachers beginning the 26th of September. Now one thing is certain: you can plan a date for the month of September. Father Michaud and I will do everything necessary [for her]. I thank you for your financial support for St. Marc School, especially the students who are incapable to go to school. May God in his infinite love protect and bless you more and more. This Sunday, the seventh of August [we will have] an inauguration of the potable water system in Trouin. I am going to send some photos next week.

My Christian salutations/greetings to all my friends at St. Francis, especially Gail and her family.


*As background, remember that after 6 long years of installation, the water system was finally completed sometime in early 2011. Way back in 2006, some of the Haitian Hope team members discovered the system which had been started around 2004 by a group from Luxembourg. The Catholic Church seemed to be the recipients of the money for the work on the spring, and we helped them out with $1,000, hoping to urge a forward direction toward providing clean water to Trouin. This spring we rejoiced when Ranny Moulton returned from a trip proclaiming that the water had arrived in Trouin; however, the people were not satisfied because now they had to pay for water, and it wasn't pure enough for Americans to drink. Père Michaud, at his own initiative, asked the Haiti Education Fund (Frances Landers' group) to provide the means to purify the water. They agreed and included the water purification components in the container carrying the building materials for construction of the school. Voilà. We now have some purified water!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I Have Been Blessed

Each trip to the St. Marc’s community in Trouin, Haiti has given me insights which have enriched my understanding and hopefully as I have shared the story, listeners have gotten excited. This 4th trip was different.

The team members were the Rev. Kate Bryant (St. James, Leesburg, Virginia), John Mark Parker (Mercer Canterbury Club advisor), Will Crews (Mercer senior French major and Canterbury member) and I. From the very beginning a spark drew us together. Through out our visit different levels of spiritual movement seemed to take place among the team, Père Michaud, his community and the environment we were in . It seemed to be fueled through relationship building, each person’s love of the Lord and the intense action to serve. The HH (Haitian Hope) team talked constantly about this spiritual movement; and we were in awe of the Holy Spirit’s presence.

We started each day with worship.  The 70 + people present listened and asked God to support and guide us that day. Friday was supposed to be a home study day for the students for they had a huge exam on Monday.  Père Michaud asked them all to be present so we could see the work of the teachers and students. There are 432 students at the school.

Our first goal was to finalize the building plans for the 8 classrooms. Kate and Will used their French to help ensure complete understanding during our questions and answer periods. Will wanted to translate as much as he could, so he took every possible opportunity to work with country French, Creole and his classic French. We all said he was having his French exam during this trip.  He and Kate were a blessing.

Another goal was to learn more about the number of students in the classes, materials, teacher numbers and general educational information.  We learned facts, but we also learned more about teachers' needs. They felt left behind in new methodology, new skills and getting the latest materials. They thought the Haiti Department of Education was doing more in Port-au-Prince then in the rural areas at this time.  We had good conversations about developing a training program together.

I attended the Daughters of the King meeting, and they shared about Haiti’s first National DOK Assembly that we all attended last November.  Georgette Duversaint is the directress and also the assistant treasurer for the Haiti National DOK. There are 298 Daughters in Haiti.

Saturday the gospel and chancel choirs practiced, the band rehearsed and the 6th graders had Saturday morning study class for their big exam on Monday.  The Holy Spirit was present and the St. Marc’s people were acting.

Sunday's 2 hour service brought our time at St. Marc’s to a close. Père Michaud graciously shared the Holy Table with the Rev. Kate, Will read part of the Prayers of the People, John Mark took lots of pictures and I got to sit with my Sisters in Christ (DOK daughters). Since St. Marc’s day is coming we got to hear more music from the choirs (82) .The choir director is on loan, since the earthquake destroyed the music department at Trinity Cathedral School. With my eyes closed, the 4 part harmony from the church choir could have been any choir in the world.  Haitians are blessed with the gift of music.

Back to PAP on dirty and dusty roads to the Hotel Oloffson.  It’s the first shower and hair washing since leaving.  What blessings!

 It is also a time to reflect on what a gift we have been given in Père Michaud and St. Marc’s. I watched Père minister to his people and to each of us as we continued to feel led by the Holy Spirit in all that we did.  I watched counseling being done as we looked at our own ministry and the steps that will follow.  We shared, had supporting hugs as challenges came to light that we were not expecting. In each call we realized we could not do everything, but seemed open to hear the call God wants for us.

May you find your call.

Gail Moulton
 Haitian Hope
Team 10 leader

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Haitian Hope Catch-up

          Not meeting in March does not mean nothing is happening with Haitian Hope.  Below is a summary of the events that have transpired and the projects soon to take place involving our friends and members of Haitian Hope.
            1) The Brunswick stew netted approximately $4,000.  Way to go Elizabeth Dunn and crew!!!!
2) Surprises from Ranny's trip in February:
·        The Canadians are building a hospital in Trouin.
·        Clean water, thanks to a Luxembourg group, is available for $.10/gallon to all those in the Trouin area.
·        Temporary classrooms have been erected by the Episcopal Education Department of Haiti.
·        ERD repaired Georgette's house and erected a small shelter for Pere Michaud. (Georgette is the hostess for our groups who visit)
·        The Chinese provided materials to erect a shelter for St. Marc School's principal, Salien Wilner.
·        A latrine was built accommodating four individuals.
3)      HH (Haitian Hope) continues to provide a hot lunch for 400 students@$1700/month.
4)      HH continues to provide salaries for 12 secondary teachers@$100/month.  They have asked for a raise which we will consider.
5)      The Haiti Education Fund provides salaries for the primary school teachers@90/month.
6)      The Rebuilding and Restoration sub-committee has asked approval from Bishop Duracin, Pere Michaud, Pere Kesner Ajax (Partnership director) for the construction of school classrooms using concepts from Erecta, based in Arkansas.
7)      Gail Moulton will lead a group to Trouin April 7-11.  Accompanying her will be
a.       the Reverend Kate Bryant, asst rector at St. James, Leesburg, Va.
b.      John Mark Parker, beloved leader of the Mercer Canterbury Club
c.       Will Crew, Canterbury Club member and French major
d.      Noah Maier, Canterbury Club member and photographer
                  Please pray for their safe and fruitful journey
8)      Saturday, March 26, marked the day of an extraordinary meeting in Atlanta of 17 partners of Pere Michaud's churches.  From 10-3 we shared common experiences and goals for our continued mission to our brothers and sisters in Haiti.  The extraordinary nature of the gathering was evident from the quiet and intentional passion palpable throughout the entire five hours of discussion.  We are deeply indebted to the expertise shared by the Outlook Haiti group from Lookout Mountain, TN.  They have been in partnership since 1996 and have accomplished great things.  Our meeting would not have been nearly as successful without them.   Not to be minimized in any way was the distance traveled by everyone whose one goal was, "how can I help our brothers and sisters in Haiti?"  Jim Hudson left from Florida at 4:00 AM.  Ann Aiken and Charles Mahan traveled from Chattanooga.  Henry Stribling and Mary Frances LeMat flew in from Virginia.  Marietta Choyce, Katherine Cornell, and the Reverend Katharine Armentrout came from Jasper to set up the room and provide nourishment.  And, of course, several HH members drove from Macon—Brant and Jan Frost, Steve Marlow, James Caldwell, Ranny and Gail Moulton, and Preston and I.  My hope is that all of you will come next time.  Below follows a brief description of the structure of the group:
                         Partners in relationship with Pere Michaud

 Outlook Haiti partners with St. John the Evangelist School, Petit Harpon
Church of the Good Shepherd, Lookout Mountain, TN
Church of the Nativity, Ft. Oglethorpe, GA
St. Stephen's, Oak Ridge, TN
St. Martin's, Chattanooga, TN
Presbyterians in Florida with Jim Hudson

            Haitian Hope partners with St. Marc, Trouin:
                        Church of the Holy Family, Jasper, GA
                        St. Francis, Macon, GA
            Independent partners with St. Marc, Trouin:
                        St. James, Leesburg, VA
                        Trinity Church, Washington, VA

9)      The First Annual Haitian Hope Golf Tournament has 20 sponsors as of this writing.  More sponsors and players are wanted and needed.  Last week, you should have received information from Preston about this event to be held Tuesday, June 14th at Healy Point Country Club, Macon.  
10)  Next meeting of Haitian Hope: Sunday, May 1st at 1:30 in the library.


Friday, January 7, 2011

From: Michaud Jean Fruitho
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 2:00 PM
Subject: Re : MERCI BEAUCOUP POUR le montant pour la cantine/ TROUIN-HAITI

Chere soeur,
 merci beaucoup pour l'etroite collaboration qui a existait entre nous pendant l'annee 2010. Que l'annee 2011 nous unisse pour une meilleure continuite.
 Voeux les meilleurs pour l'annee 2011.
 Que l'annee 2011 vous apporte de la sante, la joie, la prosperite  ou toutes les bonnes choses du monde. Et Que Dieu vous benisse et benisse tous lesfreres et soeurs de l'Eglise St Francis.  Merci beaucoup pour l'argent que vous avez envoye pour la cantine pour le mois de janvier. je vous informerai de ce vous enverrai la liste des professeurs pour les classes mentionnees.
 Votr frere, pere MICHAUD.
From: Michaud Jean Fruitho
Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 1:49 PM
Subject: Re : Welcome on February/ Trouin School 

 Dear Friends,
  First of all, greetings and  thank you for all your supports to our friends in Trouin during the year 2010 and  may God bless more  all the partners in the both churches  about St Francis and St Marc in Trouin during the  year 2011 to you and also for all our corporations.
 Thank you very much for this super e-mail you send to me and I have received it with lot of joys and hopes for Trouin. Thank you very much for help us to have a definitive St Marc'school in Trouin. It is a good news for us to know that you will come on February. Thank you so much my brother for your coming. I and  all the people in Trouin are very excited to seeing you. Welcome again in Trouin and the tent is already reserved  for you to spend the nights. May God bless you and give you the health not only for the year 2011 but during all your life. I am waiting for your coming. Good trip on February to Trouin-Haiti.

Peace be with you.
Your brother in Christ,