Friday, September 9, 2011

School Update - almost finished!

The school without foundation yet completed, but with the roof, floor, and sides.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Letter from Pere Michaud

A beautiful letter from Pere Michaud thanking everyone for giving hope to the people of Trouin (translation follows):

Nos salutations chrétiennes et fraternelles à tous les donateurs. Après le seisme qui a Presque tout cassé sur son passage en Haïti, notre plus grande prière a Dieu s’était qui va  nous aider à reconstruire notre pays. Dieu dans son amour infini a écouté  notre prière  en mettant sur notre chemin des amis généreux, merci.
Nous somme très  reconnaissant envers tous les donateurs qui ont contribué leurs argents et leurs temps  pour donner a la population de trouin cette superbe construction.  une   école qui doit, a sa juste titre, être un modèle de construction  d’école en Haïti après le seisme du 12  janvier 2010. Avoir cette école  particulièrement  à  trouin, c‘est une grâce pour le pays qui a tant été dévasté par ce tremblement de terre.  Le désespoir qu’avait laissé  la catastrophe du 12 janvier 2010 pour les gens de trouin  s’est  changé  en espoir le  21 aout 2011 avec cette belle construction.
Merci,  vous  avez contribué à la reconstruction physique et  intellectuelle  de notre pays. Ces remerciments  viennent  du plus profond de nos  cœurs et de tout notre être. Nous n’avons rien  à vous offrir en retour autre que nos prières. Que  Dieu vous comble de ses multiples bénédictions, encore merci.

Pere MICHAUD, pretre en charge

Our Christian and brotherly greetings to all the donors.  After the earthquake which almost destroyed everything in its passage through Haiti, our greatest prayer to our Lord was, who is going to help us rebuild our country.  God, in his infinite love, listened to our prayer by putting in our path some very generous friends.  I thank you.

We are grateful towards our donors who have contributed their money and their time in order to give to the population of Trouin this superb construction: a school which ought, with its just (appropriate) title, be a model of school construction in all of Haiti after the earthquake of January 12 2010.  To have this school especially in Trouin, is [God's] grace and blessing for the county which has been so severely destroyed by the earthquake.  The despair which was left by the catastrophe of January 12, 2010 for the people in Trouin has changed to hope on the 21st of August 2011 with this beautiful construction.

Thank you.  You have contributed to the physical and intellectual reconstruction of our country.  These thanks come from the depths of our hearts and our very being.  We have nothing to offer you in return other than our prayers.  May God fill you with multiple blessings.  Again thank you.

Pere Michaud, priest-in-charge

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The world is a beautiful place and these are two of the great people who make it so. "Pere" Kate and Pere Michaud stand ready to lead a service of celebration for the work done at St. Marc, Trouin. They are clothed in vestments and stoles given for Pere Michaud's use by Father Ed Adkins, a retired priest at St. Francis Church, Macon. The stole worn by "Pere" Kate had been given to Father Ed by the Bishop of Ecuador. We are grateful to Ranny Moulton who supervised the building project in Trouin and who shared this photo with us.