Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Caroline's Pictures from Trouin

   Caroline LaBorde and Gail Moulton were in Trouin, Haiti, from January 30-February 5, 2013.  These are photos from their visit - with captions by Caroline.

Gail and Caroline meet the Virginia group at the
in the newly renovated Port au Prince Airport
Gail meets Lentz, Pere michaud's son, as mother Kercia looks
on proudly.  Note that Lentz doesn't want to lose sight of his Mom!
Gail gets measured by the sewing class for her new blouse.
St. Marc School does not lack for cute kindergarteners!
Kindergartener gets instruction in handwriting.

Another cutie takes a break to smile at us.

Students at St. Marc School are provided with clean
drinking water throughout the school day.
Kindergarteners are all packed up and ready for
their walk home.
The DOK holds a meeting in the new school building.

Gail models the blouse made for her by a Trade School student.
Cooking class students prepare a delicious meal for us.
New solar panels go up to light the school and
provide electricity for a computer lab.
The Junior Choir and the DOK line up for the procession into the
church for the school's dedication and Lentz's baptism service.

Bishop Duracin prepares for the dedication and baptism service.

Pere Michaud prepares the incense for his son's baptism service.

Students of St. Marc prepare for school opening with the raising of the flag.